

1) Finish "Primitive NSS Elective Subjects Selection Survey" by 17th November

2) Finish "1st NSS Elective Subjects Selection Survey" by 12th April

3) S4 to S3 Elective Subjects Selection cum Career Talk on 26th April

4) Confirmation of Elective Subjects to be provided by mid-May

5) Finish "NSS Elective Subject Selection" by 3rd June

6) The choice of each students will be given for further confirmation on 24th June

7) Change on the choice must be submitted by 26th June

8) Result of the allocation of NSS Elective Subjects of each students will probably be announced on 23rd July (Result will be displayed on bulletin board as well as school web.)


Principles of allocation

1) Academic result of the students

2) Choice according to the priority students give

3) Number of students to be accepted by each subject